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dimanche 20 avril 2014

Monitor Your Child's Phone from a Web App or Your Phone

Monitor Your Child's Phone from a Secure Web App or your Android Phone. 

Track Phone Location, SMS, Facebook, Whatsapp & LINE messages, MMS messages, Call History, Websites visited and Apps installed and uninstalled.

You will love PhoneBeagle after trying our free online demo from within this application or instead try our Web demo at

In order to use PhoneBeagle you need to purchase a product activation key at

PhoneBeagle allows a concerned parent to track the location of their child and to supervise their child's use of a mobile/cell phone. Do you want to stop your child visiting inappropriate Websites? Do you want to know if your child is texting while driving? Do you want to protect your child from predators or school bullies? PhoneBeagle tells you if your child is involved in risky behavior or is being targeted by dangerous individuals.

PhoneBeagle has two components, a Recorder that is installed on your child's phone that records location and activity, and a Client for remotely viewing the phone's location and activity. Versions of the Client are available as a secure Web application (see OPEN WEB APPLICATION DEMO )and an Android phone application (this Application). Screenshots are of the Android Client. Parents use the Web and Android Clients to track the location of their child's phone and view the following events that occur on that phone:

Facebook, WhatsApp and LINE messages
GPS and Network Location Data
SMS and MMS Sent and Received
Call History and Address Book
Web Browsing History
Apps Installed, Uninstalled & Updated
System Events such as Battery State, “Airplane Mode”, Device On/Off

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